Quality Objectives 2020

Objectives 2020 Resource Responsible Status
Export: Ensure to increase in export with at least 3 new Parties in 2020. Budget, Recourses, Equipments, expert Trained staffs CEO Completed
Training: Training of new & existing staff at least 3 in year 2020. Budget, Trained Staff, Equipments, Consultant Manager QC and QA In-Progressd
Syrups Product: Lunch 2 new syrups in 2020. BBudget, Material Manager Production & Pharmacist Completed
Testing: ntroduce analytical testing facility for specified microbiological Organisms. Introduce analytical testing facility for specified heavy metals. BMachines, Budget, Trained staff and Consultant. Manager QC and Q In-Progress
Infrastructure: Transformation of infrastructure as per international standards Budget, Material, machines, Vendors and Legal Consultant CEO In-Progress
Hiring Staff: On boarding of at least 1 Pharmacist. Budget Manager HR Completed
Product Registration: Enlist at least 40 new products in already approved categories from DRAP. Budget, Legal Consultant CEO In-Progress
New Equipment Purchasing: Purchase new capsule making machine from China. HPLC Budget to purchase, new equipments and vendor enlistment CEO In-Progress
Sales: Increase sales at least 20% from last year i.e. 2019. Sales Staff, budget Manager HR In-Progress
Registration of new Category: Register Honey with PSQCA. Legal Consultant Manager QC and QA In-Progress