
Gripe water


GRIPE WATER: Gripe water is useful herbal extract for stomach problems in infants and babies. Instant relief from discomfort caused by gas, acidity & indigestion. Gripe water is a mixture of water, baking soda, and herbs that many parents use as a remedy for colic and stomach upsets. Gripe water contains a mix of the following herbs: dill,fennel, ginger Many people who use gripe water to soothe colic, believe that the c olic was caused by an infant having stomach pain or upset, though this has not been proven. Despite this, many parents use gripe water, or water mixed with herbs, to soothe a baby’s upset stomach , and it has become popular with some parents and supporters of alternative or herbal medicine. However, parents considering using gripe water as a colic remedy should consult their pediatrician first. In theory, these herbs should help ease gas, thus relieving the discomfort that is causing the baby to cry.



Gripe water has been around for a long time. It was first used in the 1840s in England to treat a malarial disease known as fen fever. Colic was caused by an infant having stomach pain or upset, though this has not been proven. Despite this, many parents use gripe water, or water mixed with herbs, to soothe a baby’s, and it has become popular with some parents and supporters of alternative or herbal medicine.

However, parents considering using gripe water as a colic remedy should consult their pediatrician first.

Today experts don’t fully understand how gripe water might help soothe tummy troubles, but it’s thought that ingredients like dill, fennel and ginger can help with gas relief and stomach discomfort.

Action: Modern research shows that the herbs used in Gripe water are highly effective in instant relief from discomfort caused by gas, acidity & indigestion .

Dosage: New born to 2 Months: 1/2 teaspoon thrice a day.
2 Months to 6 Months: 1 teaspoon thrice a day.
More than 6 Months: 2-3 teaspoon thrice a day.

Or as prescribed by the physician.

Manufactured By: Sj Herbal Laboratories.
Country of Origin: Product of Pakistan

Storage Instruction:

  • Store in cool and dry place.
  • Protect from heat, light and moisture
  • Keep the cap tightly closed.

Package/ Presentation: 150ml gripe water in a transparent colorless bottle packed in a paper label.


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